National Science Foundation

4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230

Telephone:  (703) 306-1234    




The National Science Foundation promotes the progress of science and engineering through the support of research and education programs. Its major emphasis is on high-quality, merit-selected research--the search for improved understanding of the fundamental laws of nature upon which our future well-being as a nation depends. Its educational programs are aimed at ensuring increased understanding of science and engineering at all educational levels, maintaining an adequate supply of scientists, engineers, and science educators to meet our country’s needs.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) was established as an independent agency by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.Code 1861-1875).

The following material was condensed and edited from the NSF Web site--with added content designed to inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

More Detailed Information

Home page and Introductory Information

National Science Foundation Homepage


Office of the Director  introduces the Director, Staff Offices, etc.



Directory & Staff

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

Special Notices  important events, new appointments, policy papers, etc.

NSF Custom News Service  allows you to enter your email address and receive "Custom News"---free.

Public & Media Information

Science News

NSF Publications

Academy Complex Sitemap  National Research Council directories.

Overview of Programs

FastLane  inhouse information resource.

The National Acaemies - Top News

Customer Service to top

Customer Service Plan

Other Phonebooks - NWU  college and university telephone books.

Science in the Headlines  get authoritative science, technology, and public health answers from key federal organizations.

Tech Information to top

Scientific Federal Research Sites

External Links   listing of science partners web sites at other federal agencies, states, and internationally.

Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering


The Division of Science Resources Studies  The Directorate for Social Behavioral, and Economic Sciences.

WWW Collections & Virtual Libraries

National Council of University Research Administrators

Science in the Home  excellent adventure in learning---utilizes interactive techniques to teach the workings of the atom and other other topics.

Teacher Resources - NSF  complete presentation touching on asking scientific questions, searching for information in scientific areas, teaching activities, etc.

Students and Educators - NSF  addresses students of all ages and those that teach them---also details fellowships and student aid.


Scientific Federal Research Sites - GPOAccess

Scientific and Technical Reports 

External Links - NSF  embodies a large group of science web sites.

Business Matters to top

Federal Acquisition Jumpstation  documents key federal procurement sites.

Grants & Awards Opportunities  grants data and grant forms.

National Council of University Research Administrators  activity and information on how to compete for research contracts.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance  federal grant information.

Howard Hughes Science Grants

Grant Proposal Forms - NSF

Education  NSF makes grants and awards in all areas of science, mathematics, and engineering education---search utility included.

Grants and Awards - GPO Access  survey document.

Federal Electronic Commerce Program   established to coordinate, promote and facilitate the effective use of electronic commerce throughout the federal grants community.

U. S. Government and Grant Resources  extensive listing of resources.

Notices of Funding Availability - EZ/EC

Federal Loans and Grants - GSA

RAMS - FIE - Federal Grants and Research Opportunities

University of Idaho Research Office - Grants

Other Items of Interest to top

Publications & Data  reports survey results that NSF is mandated by Congress to perform---these involve science topics and other special reports.

Data Brief  listing of each survey the NSF does---these can be downloaded.

Science & Technology Reference - IPL  comprehensive resource with summaries---an Internet Public Library document.

Engineering - GPO Access  covers General Engineering Resources, Technical Reports, Patents, and Standards and Specifications.

National Research Council

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