Take a minute to look all around your screen.  A good way to quickly learn just what is here and where to find what you want is to click on  the "Basic Site Map" at the top of the "blue contents area" (on the left side of your screen).  We have organized this information according to how you might best use it--since trying to follow the different departments and agencies content presentations can, in itself, be a cause of confusion.  However, if you feel you can not find what you are looking for we would like to know what that is since we may be able to help.  Try it...you will find that the entire United States Government here.

    Featuring: Cool*Feds Sites of the Week!    


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As you use this data please realize what it takes to bring it to you...yes, be sensitive to what is being done for you.  Our point is that we want to hear from you.  It would help us to know what you think--please take the time to respond.  Consider letting us know who you are and what you think---a short Email is fine:  comments@fedgate.org

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