U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20520

Telephone No. (202) 647-4000 (24-hour number)


The U.S. Department of State is the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency and is responsible for implementing the President’s foreign policies.

The U.S. has diplomatic relations with more than 170 countries and maintains hundreds of embassies, consulates, and missions around the World.

The Department of State, the senior executive department of the U.S. Government, was established by act of July 27, 1789, as the Department of Foreign Affairs and was renamed Department of State by act of September 15, 1789 (22 U.S. Code 2651 note).

This material was condensed and edited from the Department of State Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway ™

More Detailed Information

Homepage and Introductory Information to top

U.S. Department of State Homepage

Secretary of State   the Secretary of State is the ranking member of the Cabinet and forth in line of presidential succession (http://secretary.state.gov/).

US State Department   gateway to news and organization.

People at State  focuses on the Department’s personnel---a quality group.

About Organization and People

Search Choices

Index of Site

Index:  Diplomatic List  names of members of the diplomatic staffs of all missions and their spouses.  All of the Embassies of Washington, D. C.

FAQ’s About the Department

Guide to U. S. Department of State - Information and Services

U. S. Department of State Web Site - Guide for New Users

Welcome to WhoWhere  directory for federal Email addresses and telephone numbers.

US Government Blue Pages Online Directory   federal telephone directory.

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

Public Affairs:  publicaffairs@panet.us-state.gov

US State Department  State’s general topic news.

Regions - DOS  addresses Regional Affairs, US Missions, and other news items.

Policy - DOS   pertains to news, topics, issues, speeches, publications, etc.

Reaching Out to Americans  covers the Secretaries visits to U. S. cities, speeches, Town Meeting Schedule, etc.

How the Foreign Service Works for America - Inside A U.S. Embassy

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School  a major history repository documents law, diplomacy, etc.

Chile Declassification Project  covering the period form 1973 to 1978.

U.S. Reports of Human Rights Practices  sent to the U.S. Congress by State.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)  President Clinton's November1998 trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The United States of America  patriotic presentation of the United States.

International Narcotics and Law Enforcement  the history of this war.  

Digital National Security Archive   Cold War History.

DOS Reinvention  discuses the streamlining of State, ACDA, USIA and AID---a response to the requirements invoked by the end of the Cold War.

Global Statistics  specifics covering countries, highest mountains, etc.

Center For Strategic& International Studies

Global Legal Information Network - Library of Congress

Dispatch Magazine  past issues of this foreign service publication.

State Magazine - DOS  features columns and stories that concern global topics--subscribe free.

African Voices Newsletter

Dosfan Historical Document  discusses impact of the Internet on the State Department.

Government Information Xchange  GSA's full federal agency coverage.

Policy.com  addresses policy, politics, education, technology, health care issues, etc.

Foreign Government Information  listing of key international news services.

World Newspapers  full news coverage plus links to key newspapers, magazines, T.V., etc.

Customer Service to top


Passport Services - USPS  invites you to download Passport Applications and much more.

Services - DOS  covers visitor information, business topics, per diem rates, travel, living overseas, career opportunities, employee services, etc.

Commonly Requested Federal Services - White House

State Tour Office  manages tour information for the Diplomatic Reception Rooms of the Department of State.

Select Other Tours - State  discusses The White House, Embassies, and Department of State tours.

Town Meetings - State  are hosted by the Department and non-government organizations---schedule and other specifics available at this site.

Foreign Service Officer Overview

Civil Service Careers  covers employment opportunities at State.

International Adoption and Child Abduction Services - DOS

US State Department - Services - Guide to Information and Services

Women's' Activities to top

International Women’s Issues - State  the Office of the Senior Coordinator for International Women’s Issues is congressionally mandated to promote the human rights of women within American foreign policy---this location details some of these happenings.

U N Division for the Advancement of Women

U N Women’s (and men) Indicators and Statistics on CD-ROM  provides interesting insights on the social and economic condition of women and men in over 200 countries.

SAWNET: South Asian Women’s NETwork 

The President's Interagency Council on Women  White House program.

Student Activities

Tips For U.S. VISAS: Foreign Students

American International Schools Overseas  also covers teaching overseas.

Legal Requirements for F-1 Foreign Students in Public Schools

Foreign Entry Requirement

Library Electronic Research Program - (DOS)

Organization to top

State’s Structure and Organization  explains what the Department of State does and which office is responsible for same.

About DOS Organization and People

U.S. Missions Abroad

U.S. Missions Online

U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency Homepage  convenient search of treaties and agreements---also includes speeches, fact sheets, etc.

U.S. Information Agency  addresses Population & Health, Humanitarian Assistance, Environment, and Regions & Countries.

Information Technology to top

DOS Information Resources  details the structure and organization of the Department where contact is maintained with 180 countries and 250 diplomatic and consular posts.

FedWorld Dialup/Telnet Site Information  lists federal bulletin boards.

Global Information Society

Foreign Relations to top


The Importance of   Diplomacy  

Diplomatic History  isolates Snapshots of Diplomatic History, Kennedy-Khrushschev Exchanges, Foreign Relations, the Department’s Exhibit on U.S. Diplomatic History, and a tour of the Diplomatic Reception Rooms---a Gopher Research Collection is included.

Diplomatic Records:  Microfilm  select materials.

U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index  foreign policy point-and-click source.

Focus on Diplomacy  puts the current response to the world at large in perspective---discusses America’s goals.

Historical Documents  inventories many studies, initiatives, and reports.

USIA Public Diplomacy Calendar  news items.

Leadership Views - Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments  CIA document.

Bureau of Diplomatic Security  U. S. offers rewards of up to $7 million for terrorists, and more.

International Relations to top

Country Studies - LOC  involves a continuing series of books under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army---currently covers over 70 countries.   CIA World Factbook   also gives a detailed account of many countries.

Foreign Relations Volumes:  1861 to Date

DOS Country Commercial Guides  prepared annually by the U.S. embassies--excellent material.

Foreign & International Law - Washburn University School of Law

Related Foreign Affairs Sites  U. S. Missions abroad.

Foreign Affairs & Aid - University of Colorado  survey piece.

U. S. Foreign Policy Around the World  policy and global issues

International Affairs Resources - The World-Wide Web Virtual Library

Foreign Policy - Library of Congress

Foreign Country Studies - GPO Access  

Background Notes   what our State Department says about other countries and Foreign Media Reaction  or what foreign media says about the U. S.

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations

Treaties and Agreements - State   key treaties.

Treaties in Force - State

Office of the Law Revision  U. S. Code matters.

Treaties and International Law Library - U.S. House of Representatives

USIA Homepage  has further specifics on Foreign Exchange Activities--official Department of State organizational function in October 1999.

U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency   mission is to strengthen the national security of the United States by formulating, advocating, negotiating, implementing and verifying effective arms control--official Department of State function in October 1999.

Electronic Research Collection  this collection mainly includes documents from the Department and U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

Office of International Affairs - National Academy of Sciences  rich document covering many facets of human activities.

Arms Control - GPO Access

Foreign Governments and International Organizations - Gaileo Internet Resources

U.S. Economic and Trade Policy - State 

Africa Bureau Information Center - USAID  update on this area of the world.

Africa - Government Printing Office

China - Government Printing Office and CNN's China Visions which is a comprehensive news report on this up and coming world power.

Latin and South America - Government Printing Office  survey document.

Middle East - Government Printing Office  survey document.

Pacific Rim - Government Printing Office  survey document.

Russia - Government Printing Office  survey document.

U. S. Senate Committees

U.S. House of Representatives Committees

Environmental Diplomacy: Environment & U.S. Foreign Policy

International Monetary Fund

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

NATO Enlargement in the U.S. National Interest

U.S. International Affairs

U.S. Government Information on Foreign Affairs - University of Michigan

International Government & Politics - University of Michigan

Official Sites of Foreign Governments - University of Michigan

G8 Government On-Line  lists members and email addresses.

The Embassy Web

European Union

Helsinki Federation for Human Rights

Area Studies - Library of Congress
African and Middle Eastern Reading Room
Asian Reading Room
Country Studies/Area Handbooks
European Reading Room
Hispanic Reading Room
Japan Documentation Center

Domestic Business Matters to top

Acquisition and Business Particulars  a procurement electronic toolkit.

Business Opportunities - Solicitations

CBDNet   key publication of federal contract activities.

Federal Procurement Jumpstation  the larger federal procurement sites.

Procurement - GPO Access  federal survey document.

Business - GPOAccess  survey document.

International Business Matters to top

The Office of the Coordinator for Business Affairs 

Country Commercial Guides - Showcase Europe  basic marketing information.

Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts - Guide for Business Representatives

Resources for Minority Businesses in the Global Marketplace

Information Market Europe   information on European markets.

The International Political Economy Network - IPEnet  global political economy research and scholarship.

Environmental Diplomacy:  Environment & US Foreign Policy

The American Desk - State  invites U.S. business to make use of State's overseas assets and offers Country Commercial Guides---U.S. Foreign Economic Policy Directions are included.

Political Science Resources International Relations - Univ. of Michigan

International Trade - Pathway Services

World Trade Organization   federal site and a leading association World Trade Organization.

Nafta's Rules Origin

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Travel Information to top

Bureau of Consular Affairs   good way to find out about a country before you go there---addresses customer service items and much more.

Visa Services

Print Passport Application Forms  Adobe Acrobat source.

Immigration & Naturalization Service

Foreign Consular Offices in the United States

Avoid Passport Hassles  provides the travel services---download forms.

Guidelines for protecting U.S. business information overseas

Travel Publications - State

U N Women’s (and men) Indicators and Statistics on CD-ROM  provides interesting insights on the social and economic condition in over 200 countries.

Bureau of Consular Affairs Homepage   award winning presentation of the protection and welfare that Americans enjoy abroad.

Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases  The National Science and Technology Council's committee on International Science.

Special Note: The "Visa Bulletin" which keeps you current on such matters can be subscribed to free of charge by sending a Post Card to: Visa Bulletin, Visa Office, Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20522 stating, "Please place on Visa Bulletin mail list" (giving your return address)--its mailed to you at no cost.

United Nations to top

United Nations  homepage.

UN System of Organizations  lists all UN organizations.

The U. S. Mission  the UN

America At The United Nations  covers the basics of U.S. involvement.

World Map for Information  allows a comparison of the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations.

UN Population Information Network (POPIN)

UN Division for the Advancement of Women

ReliefWeb United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs with the mission to assist with prevention, preparedness, and disaster response..

UNwatch  monitors the performance of the UN as to adherence to Charter.

U.S. Participation in the U.N.  economic development activities.

Guide to Accessing United Nations Publications (research guide)

Other Items of Interest to top

U. S. .Holocaust Memorial Museum

Peace Corps

Welcome to Europa - European Union

Organization of American States

American Foreign Service Association  the professional association of the U.S. Foreign Service.

The Electronic Embassy  links to many embassy Web sites.

The Carter Center  former President Jimmy Carter’s site.


Terrorism - GPO Access

Census of Governments - GPO Access  several international statistical sources.

Worldwide Local Government   collection of community Web pages.

International Organizations  lists these groups and their key person.

Export Exchange  insights into living and working overseas.