The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20500

Telephone:  (202) 465-1111               Tours - (202) 465-7041



Article II, section 1, of the Constitution provides that "[t]he executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold this Office during the Term of four Years, ...together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term..." In addition to the powers set forth in the Constitution, the statutes have conferred upon the President specific authority and responsibility covering a wide range of matters (United States Code Index).

The President is the administrative head of the executive branch of the Government, which includes numerous agencies, both temporary and permanent, as well as the 14 executive departments.

The following material was condensed and edited from the White House Homepage Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

More Detailed Information

Home page and Introductory Information to top

The White House

President William J. Clinton

Vice President Al Gore

Hillary Rodham Clinton, First Lady of the United States

White House FAQ

Interactive Citizens' Handbook  quality search and browse document.

White House Help Desk  answers your concerns, questions, etc. 

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers - GSA

US Government Blue Pages Online Directory   federal  telephone directory.

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

What's New at the White House  daily rundown of top stories.

Presidential Directives and Where to Find Them - Library of Congress

Clinton Administration Accomplishments

Office of National Drug Control Policy

White House Electronic Publications  menu of press releases, topical releases, major documents, etc.

Presidents of The United States

First Ladies of the United States

First Ladies - National First Ladies Library  recent creation of this portion of history inspired by Mrs. Clinton.

Vice President Al Gore's Coalition - Welfare-to-Work

White House Virtual Library  covers briefings, radio addresses, publications, etc.

Presidential Sites Resources  covers speeches, president's resources, etc.

White House - English Server  news-history document with press briefings, town hall events, etc.

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents

White House Electronics Publications  documents, speeches, releases, etc. and Retrieval Results White House Publications

The White House Library  covers all documents on this Web site.

A White House History  provides an open view of the White House floor plan.

Official Federal Government Information at Your Figertips - GPO  contains reports on the Legislative, Executive,  Judicial, Regulatory, Congressional, etc.

Social Statistics Briefing Room  gives crime, education, demographics, and health statistics--also connects to FedStats which means more statistics.

FedStats  excellent federal statistical sites.

The White House Briefing Room  press release and other summaries of happenings.

The Economic Statistics Room

Codification of Presidential Proclamations 

Customer Service to top

Commonly Requested Federal Services

Customer Service  Vice President Gore is leading an effort to "reinvent" portions of the U. S. Federal Government.

White House Tour Information  details in planning a White House tour.

OEOB Tour Image Overview   picture tour of the Old Executive Office Building. In Washington this building is referred to in a loving way as the "Wedding Cake" - take a look and see why.

White House Public Events

Executive Office of The President Current Competitive Vacancies

White House for Kids

White House Fellowships Homepage

United States of America - USIA   contains many American treasures.

White House Web Team  the "team" answer questions and manage this site.

Organization to top

The President’s Cabinet

White House Offices and Agencies

Office of Administration  administrative support for all Executive Offices.

Federal Agencies & Commissions

Technology to top

OSTP   Office of Science and Technology Policy.

National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and Communications

Office of Management & Budget to top

Budget of the United States Government  with some accompanying remarks.

Office of Management and Budget   plans use of this nation's spending.

FAQ’s About the Budget and the National Debt

Budget System and Concepts and Glossary

Some Prominent Locations to top

National Security Council  exists to advise and assist the President on national security and foreign policy matters.

Council of Economic Advisers  this group primarily performs an analysis and appraisal of the national economy for the purpose of providing policy recommendations to the President.

President's Council On Sustainable Development  advises the President on developments in economic, environmental, and equity goals.

United States Trade Representative

Affirmative Action Review  details the President’s review of this area.

Reinventing Partnership for Reinventing Government  the Vice President's project to streamline and reinvent some government operations.

President's Commission on Physical Fitness

Office of Women's Initiatives and Outreach  maintains contact with women's groups.

National Council on Disability

Other Items of Interest to top

Hall of Presidents - National Portrait Gallery

U. S. Presidential Historical Sites - Encyclopedia Smithsonian

The National Security Archive - GWU  Cold War, nuclear, China, etc.

Regulatory Information Service Center

The Committee Management Secretariat  overseas groups that gather information.


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