U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

401 M Street, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20460

Telephone No. (202) 260-7200

Email:  public-access@epamail.epa-gov


The Environmental Protection Agency protects and enhances our environment today and for the future generations to the fullest extent possible under the laws enacted by Congress. The Agency’s mission is to control and abate pollution in the areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic substances. Its mandate is to mount an integrated, coordinated attack on environmental pollution in cooperation with State and local governments.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in the executive branch as an independent agency in 1970 as an independent agency pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 3 of (5 U.S. Code app.).

This material was condensed and edited from the EPA Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

More Detailed Information

Homepage and Introductory Information to top

EPA Homepage




Browse EPA Topics

Environmental Factor System: Superfund Site Information from five EPA Databases

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

About the EPA Public Access Server  previews the EPA Site.

News and Events

Envirofacts Warehouse - An EPA Data Resource

Environmental Newsletter - NASA

Environmental News Network 

Capitol Reports Environmental News Link  federal agencies activities.

Freedom of Information Act

Browse EPA Topics

National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI)

Council On Environmental Quality   White House function.

National Environmental Publications Internet Site

Emergency Response Notification System

Technical Information Services - DOE  information resource designed to support the Environmental, Safety, and Health information professional portal.

Environmental Law - WWW Virtual Law Library

Customer Service to top

National Environmental Policy Act - Executive Office of  The President

Finding EPA Info - Clearinghouses

Pesticides and Food   what parents can do the avoid these dangers.

Commonly Requested Federal Services

Water Resources Outreach Program - Water Education Posters  U.S. Geological Survey’s Water Posters series (free) that carry an educational and environmental message--quality items!

Conservation - GPO Access  an overview of basic environmental subjects--water, soil, marine, etc.

Index of Watershed Indicators

Search databases via ZIP Code  view your local environmental specifics.

What's Hot on the EPA Server   statistics on the most popular documents.

Send a question to EPA

GSA's Information Assist

Task Force On The Environment  a National Science Board "public events" updates on environmental happens.

Environmental Health Information Service  most extensive international database of searchable information on the environment, toxicity, and cancer.

Citizen Involvement to top

EPA’s Partners for the Environment  details an extensive program that includes agriculture, global climate, energy efficiency and conservation, state and local aspects, and compliance links. 

Concerned Citizens: At Home   "At Home in the Garden" with subheadings reading "Home Safety", "Home Buyers" and "In The Yard".

Concerned Citizens: Involved In the Community

Educational Offerings to top

Students and Teachers - EPA  lists Teaching Aids/Curriculum Guides, Facts About the Environment, Are Schools Environmentally Safe?, etc.

The Nature Conservancy  asks the question: which flora and fauna need saving where you live?

Government Information Xchange  results from the term "environment."

ConsumerNet   consumer groups clearinghouse.

Organization to top

Offices, Regions, Laboratories, Programs , and Initiatives

Regional Operations   details each EPA Region.

Regulations, Laws, Assessments, etc. to top

Federal Register Online via GPO Access  dates back to 1995.

Code of Federal Regulations  the Code covers the text of public regulations issued by federal agencies.

Federal Regulations  comprehensive coverage of the Federal Register with timely updates.

NEPANet - A One-stop-shop for NEPA related information  a DOE document that helps to explain the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

U.S.A. Environment and Natural Resources Management  a G-7 Environment and Natural Resources Management effort that address the environment globally--NASA, Defense Mapping, U.S. A.I.D., U.S. Geological Survey, and the U N are joined in this regard.

EPA Federal Register Environmental Documents

Office of Water Publications   also videotapes.

Information Technology to top

Information Services and Tools - EPA

EPA - Other Resources

Technical and Outreach to top

AIRS - EPA’s Air Pollution Databases

Office of Mobile Sources   concerns transportation industry pollution.

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office

EnvirOSense  single repository for pollution prevention, compliance, and enforcement.

Ozone Depletion

The Acid Rain Program

Office of Air & Radiation

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds

Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards

Hazardous Waste Data - Office of Solid Waste

Office of Solid Waste/Technology Innovation Office

Welcome to Recycle City

Superfund - Risk Assessment Home Page

Students and Teachers - EPA  defines environmental concepts and addresses the possible environmental hazards associated with school buildings.

Business and Industry - EPA  programs, topics, software, and publications that encourage business to be concerned citizens.

State, Local, and Tribal Governments  covers programs, initiatives, government financing, publications, and locations.

National Pesticide Telecommunications Network a "call-in" (800-858-7378) service that provides information on pesticides, poisons, regulations, etc.

National Center for Environmental Information  repository for all EPA online documents.

Office of Mobile Sources  how much pollution comes from these sources.

Ecological Regions of North America

Global Warming Web Site   presents an imaginative discussion of this topic.

Emergency Response  the "ERNS" database which has information on notifications of oil discharges and hazardous substances releases.

Refit  an EPA-led interagency program to improve public health and the environment by removing barriers to technology innovation.

Welcome to GCDIS   collection of distributed information systems operated by government agencies involved in global change research---data is supplied to scientists and researchers, policy makers, etc.

Solar Energy - GPO Access  a survey document.

FEDSTATS  the Federal Interagency Council’s 70 statistical reporting.

Environmental Resources  covers White House information, various agency's impact, and federal laboratories.

Printer's National Environmental Assistance Center - PNEAC  offers specific compliance information to various trades and business situations.

Air Pollution and Water Quality - Atmospheric Deposition Program

Office of Water Homepage

Surf Your Watershed   reports the degree of pollution in U.S. Watersheds knowing that citizen reaction can be a powerful force in getting such areas cleaned up.

Index of Watershed Indicators   index of water quality indicators.

Survey of Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures  U.S. census data.

EnviroLink  billed as the largest online environmental information resource on the planet.

Environmental Research Laboratories

Reinventing EPA

Reinventing Government at NIH  inspirational and informative piece.

Polluter Locator  toxins in your local water.

The Chemical Scoreboard   evaluate and react to chemicals that pollute.

Globe Program  views environment from a global perspective.

Young People to top

Kids -EPA  features "Fun Things" which are educational opportunities for young people to learn about preserving our environment.

NIEHS KIDS' Pages   National Institute of Environmental  Heal Sciences Kid's Pages addressing the environment.

Protecting Our Children - EPA  at school.

Pesticides and Food   what you and your family need to know about food andAll You Can Eat  covers more here.

Business Matters to top

Doing Business With The U. S. Government

U. S. Business Advisor

Business and Industry - EPA  covers Programs & Initiatives for Business, Small Business, etc.

Office of Acquisition Management

Small Business Opportunities

Compressive Procurement Guidelines

Technology Transfer Highlights

National Technology Transfer Center  covers major federal agencies.

Grants and Fellowships - EPA  links to major programs and other subsidiary information having to do with regulations, policy, fellowships, etc.

Contracts, Grants, and Financing - EPA

EPA Small Business Innovation Research Awards  a Community of Sciencesearch facility.

CBDNet provides approaches to viewing this key publication of federal contract activities.

Superfund/RCRA Regional Procurement - Washington,  D.C.

Contracting Opportunities & Resource Guide - EPA, DOC, DOE, HHS, etc.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Initiative.

Other Items of Interest to top

Science-Green Plants Share Single Ancestor  Yahoo News.

Department of Defence   DOD Enviromental Resources listing of all sites related to enviromental activities.

National Water Conditions  steam flow in the U. S.

Scientific Information in the WWW

Healthfinder ™  the consumer health gateway.

Environment - USAID

Commonly Requested Federal Services

National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI)

Global Change - GPOAccess

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

WWW Virtual Library: Forestry  this METLA resource covers all forests of the world---interesting document!

The Environmental Professional’s Homepage - Introduction

The National Institute for Environmental Renewal

Environmental Organization WebDirectory

Pay-As-You-Throw Online   pay as you use trash disposal services.