Merit System Protection Board


The Board protects the integrity of Federal merit systems and the rights of Federal employees working in the systems. In overseeing the personnel practices of the Federal Government, the Board conducts special studies of the merit systems, hears and decides charges of wrongdoing and employee appeals of adverse agency actions, and orders corrective and disciplinary actions when appropriate.

Merit System Protection Board

National Whistleblower Center  and Who Wants To Be A Whistleblower?  GovExec reports that The  Merit Systems Protection Board recently reversed itself and expanded its definition of who is protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act.

U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Labor - Management Relations - GPO Access

Government Performance and Results Act   called the "Results Act" since it requires federal managers to plan and measure performance in new ways.

Federal Communications Network   assists government employee with  communications skills.

Employment Discrimination: an overview  includes federal statutes.

Law - United States Government

Family & Medical Leave Act

U. S. Office of Special Counsel   assists federal employees with understanding federal laws that involve their job.

Laws Administered by DOL - Small Business Handbook

Employment Law   comprehensive.

Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity

Related Web and Gopher Sites - EEOC

Women’s Education Equity Act