The Department of Veterans Affairs

811 Vermont Avenue, N. W. 
Washington, D. C. 20420
Telephone No. 1-800-827-1000


The Department of Veterans Affairs operates programs to benefit veterans and members of their families. Benefits include compensation payments for disabilities or death related to military service; pensions; education and rehabilitation; home loan guaranty; burial; and a medical care program incorporating nursing homes, clinics, and medical centers.

The Veterans Administration was established as an independent agency on July 21,

1930 by Executive Order 5398--later it became the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

This material was condensed and edited from the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway™ site.

More Detailed Information

Home page and Introductory Information to top

Department of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Veterans Affairs  introduces the top executives in VA.

Search Major VA Topics

Search  covers the entire VA site.

1-Stop Service Inquiry Page  contacting organizational units and FAQs.

Links  information for Veterans on other Internet sites---medical, general directories, resources, etc.

Welcome to WhoWhere  directory for federal Email addresses and telephone numbers. 

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers - GSA

US Government Blue Pages Online Directory   federal telephone directory.              

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

What's New

Use Your Military Experience and Training (UMET)

Office of Congressional Affairs

VA Forms

Bill to Help Veterans Seek Benefits Wins Panel OK - GovExec  new procedures to assist Veterans---"well-grounded" claim form concept dropped.

VA Overhauls Management of National Cemeteries one estimate is that WWII veterans are dying at the rate of 30,000 a month.

Customer Service to top 

Facilities  who and where to go for various kinds of help.

Medical Benefits  comprehensive information site.  

.Gateway Programs  addresses special Veterans categories--Bosnia Veterans, homeless Veterans, etc

Internet Service to VA Customers  incorporates Internet customer service features like enrollment in the VA health care system, VA Approved communities (Florida), VA Forms, etc.

VetGuide   extends veterans preferences to Gulf War Veterans, and others.

1-Stop Service Inquiry Page  ask questions via the Internet.

VA Life Insurance

Summary of Services for Veterans

House Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Links  helpful service suggestions.

National Cemetery Administration   a comprehensive customer service site.

Burial Locations

National Personnel Records  where one writes to get military records.

American Battle Monuments Commission  has responsibility for private monuments built overseas by Americans that honor the U. S. Armed Forces, and more.

Benefits for Veterans and Dependents  detailed (90 pages!) document--Spanish optional.

Veterans’ Preferences and Government Resources directories, projects, etc.

Requests for VA Military Information  invites you to get your own or a deceased veterans’ military records.

VA Forms  links to VA Benefits, Medical, and Internal forms.  Requests pertaining to Military Records and 4107 Notice Of Procedural And Appellate Rights available.

Veteran Service Organizations

Commonly Requested Federal Services key areas noted by the White House.

Job Resources With VA  

Jobs, employment & careers for military and Veterans - Transition Assistance

Jobs and Job Training - Department of Housing and Urban Development

VA Benefits for Homeless Veterans

VA Center for Minority Veterans

VA Programs for Women Veterans and VA Center for Women Veterans

Programs of the DEpt of Veterans Affairs

About Vets   Department of Labor on employment matters, training, etc.

Veteran Resource Center (HUD VET)  comprehensive Department of Housing and Urban Development document on Veteran's housing.

VETS  advise employers and Veterans of their rights and responsibilities under Veterans' preference and USERRA.

VETS - Department of Labor  provides information about programs, activities, grants, contract awards, and statutory and regulatory information---Veterans Preferences also discussed.

Organization to top

Organization  internal services, directives/policies, VA Research, VA Administrators, Vets Centers, and getting help.

Veterans Offices With WWW Servers  VA sites via the Internet. 

Veterans Servers that are NOT affiliated with the VA - Covers Veterans By War Service

Information Technology to top

VA Chief Information Officers (CIOs)

VA’s WWW  technical overviews of the VA Server--- policy, and more.

Serving The Vet Via Internet  listing of VA programs, offices, topics, etc.

Medical Home Pages

Medical Care to top

VA Medical Care types of care, medical programs, practice guidelines, standards, etc.

Data on Veterans

Business Matters to top  

Procurement and Contracting  Partenership opportunities.

VA Small Business   annual forecast of what the VA will buy---the VA’s Customer Service Standards are included.

Customer Service Standards  Small Business, VA vendor requirements, etc.

VA Office of Acquisition & Material Management  spends over $5 billion annually which makes the VA activities the largest health care delivery system in the country---also buy medical supplies for other federal agencies.

Other Items of Interest to top.

U. S. House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

U. S. Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee

Blinded American Veterans Foundation  

Veterans of Foreign Wars Listing of Other Organizations

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals

National Personnel Records Center site for veterans--connecting the generations.

Social Security

Veterans Organizations

Veterans Service Organizations - VA  and  Veterans Servers Not Associated With The VA

Government Organizations   listing of government directories and orgaiizations.

Government Organizations/NonVA