National Archives and Records Administration

7th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20408

Telephone:  (202) 501-5000                  Email:


The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is responsible for overseeing the management of the records of the Federal Government. NARA ensures, for the Citizen and the Public Servant, for the President and the Congress and the Courts, ready access to essential evidence that documents the rights of American citizens, the actions of Federal officials, and the national experience.

The National Archives and Records Administration was established by act of October 19, 1984 (44 U.S. Code 2101 et seq.), effective April 1, 1985, as an independent agency in the executive branch of the Government--it is the successor agency to the National Archives Establishment, which was initiated in 1934.

This material was condensed and edited from the NARA Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

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More Detailed Information

Home Page and Introductory Information to top

National Archives and Records Administration Homepage  preserves and tells our Nation’s history--these records, outreach, and ability to educate and inform is the work of the NARA.

Archivist of the United States

What is NARA?   about what the NARA means to all Americans.


Building for the Future:  Implementing NARA's Strategic Plan

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

NARA Calendar of Events

What's New at NARA

Press Releases

Freedom of Information (FOIA) Homepage


Charters of Freedom Exhibit   presents The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and more.

Constitution - Analysis and Interpretation - GPOAccessanalysis and interpretation of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States.

The Center For Legislative Archives

Annotation Newsletter  reports on history and records news--Email to subscribe.

The Record   an NARA newsletter that discusses activities, issues, etc.

National Personnel Records Center  details both the Civilian and Military Records Centers in St. Louis--house U. S. records that go back to1774.

Building for the Future - NARA  are mostly news items that support and document NARA’s strategic directions.

Native American Treaties and Information

American Memory   Library of Congress site on U.S. history.

United States Reference - Internet Public Library  covers many important happenings of U.S. history.

United States of America - USIA

Civil War

American Revolution - GPOAccess

U.S. Historical Documents Archive  Matthew Weiler’s gathering of historical documents.

Holocaust-Era Assets Records and Research at the National Archives and Records

NARA Library

The Exhibit Hall   displays The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Elvis meeting the President, and more.

Prologue   quarterly magazine of  NARA happenings.

Customer Service to top

Customer Service Plan

Employment Opportunities at the NARA  plus internships and volunteer activities.

Calendar of Events - NARA  activities in the Washington, D.C. area.

Tours - NARA Washington, D.C. sites only.

National Archives - Washington Headquarters

Washington, D. C. Area Facilities  directions, tours, etc.

Organization to top

NARA Organization   lists key executive offices.

Regional Record Services - NARA

Office of the Federal Register   manages the Federal Register (online), Food and Drug Administration Regulations Documents, Code of Federal Regulations (online), U.S. Government Manual (online), Privacy Act Issues (online), and other related information.


Records, Policy, and Files to top

The Research Room  covers key topics like the Kennedy Assassination, Nazi War Criminals, Holocaust, etc.

National Personnel Records Center

American Originals  the original documents of the United States.

Search the NARA Library Online Public Access Catalog

Presidential Libraries connects all the presidential libraries--and more.

Federal Records Centers   discuses the 15 individual record centers across the country--certain exceptions exist but most records sites are not open to the public.

Information about NARA holdings 

Resources of the WWW  high public interest items---genealogical sites are highlighted.

The Genealogy Page

National Genealogical Society  

Family History Library (TM)   the world famous genealogy site of The Church Of Latter Day Saints.

Vital Records Information - United States  genealogy beginners may find this site useful---involves U. S. state and county records.

The Society of American Archivists

Electronics Records in the National Archives

Electronic Records - NARA 

a survey document.

Center for Electronic Records - NARA

Data in NAIL  a project that takes in audiovisual, still pictures, motion pictures, sound, and video---these can be searched.

Legislative Archives - NARA

Electoral College

The Constitutional Amendment Process  derived from Article V of the Constitution.

Searching the Code of Federal Regulations - NARA

Privacy Act Activity, 1995 Compilation

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)   focuses on privacy issues relating to the National Information Infrastructure.

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility  focuses on technology's impact on society.

What is GILS?

Preservation  details NARA’s extensive knowledge in this science.

GRS20 Information Index controversy over past electronic records destruction.

Table of Contents of NARA Records

Government Documents in the National Archives Library

Government Documents  finding U. S. Government documents at Archives.

WWW services for Historians   excellent document---wide coverage.

Teaching Resources to top

Digital Classroom   NARA’s effort to have teachers and students use archival documents in the classroom.

Research Tips

Inaugural Quiz

The Hoover Museum - Just For Kids

Business Matters to top

Grants and Fellowships - Electronic Records Projects  lists current efforts to locate, preserve, and publish documents about the American experience.

National Historical Publications and Records Commission  addresses grants and fellowships.

Other Items of Interest to top

Immigration in American Memory

POTUS Presidents of the United States   an Internet Library source that covers all the Presidents of the United States---background, elections results, cabinet members, presidency highlights, etc.

The Valley of the Shadow  educational site that tells of the experiences of two communities - one Northern one Southern - during the American Civil War.

U.S. Government Manual 1996/97

Introduction to Archival Internet Resources

NAGARA  National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators.

American Library Association

Nicotine Regulation Documents - GPO Access  Privacy Act Documents included.